Lux pur, cu accente subtile care îi accentuează exclusivitatea.
Dinamic. Aspect camuflat.
Optiunea Signature Suite ofera experienta suprema pentru pasagerii din spate pe modelele cu ampatament lung, combinand confortul facil si confortul ridicat.
Range Rover SV vine cu cele mai avansate motoare pe care le-am oferit vreodată.
†† WLTP figures.
The figures provided are NEDC2 figures calculated based on the manufacturer's official WLTP tests in accordance with EU legislation. For comparison purposes only. Real world figures may differ. CO2 emissions and fuel economy figures may vary depending on factors such as driving style, environmental conditions, load, wheel fitment and fitted accessories. NEDC2 are figures calculated using a government formula starting from WLTP figures equivalent to those that would have been obtained under the old NEDC test. The correct tax treatment can then be applied.
*P550e PHEV engine detailed
**P615 V8 engine detailed
Timpul incarcare variaza in functie de multi factori, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la: vechimea, starea, temperatura si gradul de incarcare a bateriei; tipul de statie si durata incarcarii.